Manage sandbox and production environments in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central.

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                   "How to  Manage sandbox and production environments in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central  ".so lets begin.

The Environments tab of the Business Central administration center allows you to view information about the Business Central production and sandbox environments for the tenant, as well as manage updates for each environment.
The Environments list page provides an overview of the sandbox and production environments in the tenant. 

Create a sandbox environment:

A sandbox environment is a non-production instance of Business Central. Isolated from production, a sandbox environment is the pace to safely explore, learn, demo, develop, and test the service without the risk of affecting the data and settings of your production environment. Each Business Central tenant is limited to three sandbox environments.
A new sandbox environment (preview) only contains the CRONUS demonstration company. Actions that you perform in the sandbox environment (preview) do not affect data or settings in your production environment.
If, when creating a new sandbox environment, the environment is not a copy of an existing environment, you have the option to select the application version for the new environment. The version list will show the latest production version, which is the version used for new production environments.
The version list may also have one or more preview versions. Preview versions are early release candidates of upcoming releases of Business Central that are made available specifically for sandbox environments. This allows for reviewing new functionality, validating extension compatibility, and other general testing of the upcoming release.
When a sandbox environment is created on a preview version, the environment will automatically be updated to new preview versions when they become available. However, the environment will not be updated to the production version. Once a sandbox environment is on a preview version, it must stay on a preview version until it is deleted. The environment may also be deleted if an update between preview versions fails. It is recommended that preview versions be used only for temporary testing of an upcoming release.
To create a sandbox environment, follow these steps:
1.      On the Environments tab of the Business Central administration center, select the New action on the action ribbon.( This feature is only available in the online production version of the product.)
2.      In the Create Environment pane, provide a name for your environment.
3.      Select Sandbox in the Type list.
4.      Specify if you want the sandbox environment to contain a copy of another environment. If this option is selected, select the environment to copy. When creating a sandbox environment as a copy of another environment, the new environment is created on the same application version as the environment being copied. The new environment will also contain all the per-tenant extensions and AppSource extensions installed and published in the environment being copied.
5.      Select the application version for the new sandbox environment from the version list.
6.      Select Create.
7.      The sandbox environment will not be accessible until the State shows Active.

Create a production environment

The Business Central administration center provides an easy method for creating the production environments for the tenant. Each Business Central tenant is limited to one production environment.
To create a production environment, follow these steps:
1.      On the Environments tab of the Business Central administration center, select the New action on the action ribbon.
2.      In the Create Environment pane, select Production in the Type list.
3.      Select Create.
When the new production environment is created, it will be on the latest production version of Business Central.

Create a sandbox based on a production environment

A single, default sandbox environment can also be created from within a page in the production environment of the Business Central application.
If a sandbox is created with a copy of a production environment, several precautions are taken for that sandbox:
·         The job queue is automatically stopped.
·         Any base application integration settings are cleared.
·         Outbound HTTP calls from extensions are blocked by default and must be approved per extension.
·         Any general data protection regulation (GDPR) action must be handled separately and repeated for the sandbox. There is no synchronization with the production environment after the sandbox has been created.
To create a sandbox environment from within your production environment, follow these steps:
1.      Select the Search for page icon in the top right-hand corner of the page enter "Create Sandbox" and select the related link.
2.      Select Sandbox Environment (Preview), and then Create.( This feature is only available in the online production version of the product.)
To enable outbound HTTP calls, go to the Extension Management page in Business Central, and choose Configure. Then, on the Extension Settings page, make sure that Allow HttpClient Requests is turned on. This setting must be enabled per extension.

Delete a sandbox

To delete a sandbox environment, choose the environment on the Environments tab of the Business Central administration center, and then select Delete on the action ribbon.

Set the update window

Business Central environments are updated on a monthly pace. Major updates occur semiannually, and minor updates occur each month that there is not a major update. The Business Central administration center gives you a level of control over the timing of updates for each environment.
The update window for an environment defines a window of time during the day in which the environment can be updated. When an update is rolling out to Business Central online, regardless of whether it's the monthly service update or a major update, the update will be applied to an environment within the time frame that the update window defines. This helps to ensure that updates are applied outside of the customer's normal business hours, for example. The update window must be a minimum of six hours.
To set the update window for an environment, follow these steps:

1. On the Environments tab of the Business Central administration center, Select the Name of the relevant environment to open the environment details.
2.      Select the Set update window action on the update list on the action ribbon.
3.      In the Set update window pane, specify the start time and the end time for the update window for the environment.

4.      Select Save.
For major updates only, you have the option to select a specific date on which the environment is updated. When a major update version is available, a notification is sent to the notification recipients listed on the Notification recipients tab of the Business Central administration center. The Update version field in the version management section of the environment details also displays the version number of the available update version.

To schedule an update date, follow these steps:
1.      On the Environments tab of the Business Central administration center, Select the Name of the relevant environment to open the environment details.
2.      Select the Schedule Update action on the update list on the action ribbon.
3.    .   In the Update pane, select the desired update date.

4.    .The selected date must be within a given date range displayed in the pane.

5.Select Schedule Update.


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